Art Fun For All At Wimbledon Bookfest

Tot Artists Imagine Futuristic World

Tot Art, which runs regular artist-run classes for pre-school children, brought home the values of art at two "Big Draws" at the final weekend of Wimbledon Bookfest 2010.

Children and adults enjoyed crawling through a time machine and drawing an imaginary future. Futuristic buses were designed as well as imaginary aliens to man space rockets to unknown planets and magical journeys were all imagined.

Wendy Briggs, a local artist who established Tot Art in 2005, said: "It was wonderful to see children enjoying the opportunity to take pens, pencils & paintbrushes on voyages to represent visions of the future & imaginary places."

On the Sunday, Big Draw Tot Art teamed up with Wimbledon Common Nature Club. Older children made drawings inspired by a nature trail lead by Auriel Glanville and Alison Pelikan, who run nature club sessions on the Common on the first Sunday of each month.


October 11, 2010

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