Wimbledon MP Opposes Boundary Change Plans

Stephen Hammond writes to Boundary Commission

Wimbledon MP Stephen Hammond is "extremely disappointed" at boundary changes proposed for his constituency, which would see two wards move into a new Mitcham seat.

The Boundary Commission proposals would put much of the rest of the existing Wimbledon constituency into a new seat, also covering New Malden.

But a number of local campaigners are opposed to plans to move Abbey and Trinity wards, which cover much of Wimbledon town centre, into the new Mitcham seat.

A petition set up to oppose the boundary changes involving the two wards already has nearly 700 signatures. Its supporters are calling on people to sign the petition before the end of the commission's consultation period on Monday December 5.

The website also includes a 'sample letter' those opposed to the proposals can use to send their views to the Boundary Commission.

Now Mr Hammond (left) has sent a letter to the Boundary Commission in which he said: "I recognise that the new Wimbledon and New Malden constituency meets the criteria in which the Boundary Commission review was conducted. However, I am extremely disappointed to see the break-up of the current Wimbledon constituency.

"A number of local residents and local Councillors have expressed reservations about the proposal to remove Trinity and Abbey Wards from any constituency called Wimbledon.

"The Boundary Commission will receive representations that rightly point out the proximity of Abbey and Trinity to the heart of Wimbledon including the town centre, the railway station and the local police station. These representations will point out the breaking of local ties, the breaking of local authority boundaries existing on May 6th 2010 and unnecessarily splitting the current boundaries."

  • The Boundary Commission for England reviews Parliamentary constituency boundaries every five years.
  • In this review they were taking account of new rules that every constituency in England (except two covering the Isle of Wight) must have an electorate of between 72,810 and 80,473 - that is 5% either side of the electoral quota of 76,641. The new constituencies are likely to be the ones used for the next election which is currently expected to be in 2015.
  • They are consulting on their initial proposals for a 12-week period, from now until December 5. They are encouraging everyone to contribute to the design of the new constituencies.
  • The consultation site contains reports and maps, the electorate sizes of every ward and an online facility where you can have your say on the initial proposals. You can also write directly to: Boundary Commission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQ. Or email london@bcommengland.x.gsi.gov.uk.

What do you think? Why not add to the boundary thread on our forum?

November 18, 2011