Knife-Wielding Moped Riders Attack Passer-By In Wimbledon

Did you witness this attack on Easter Sunday?

Moped riders wielding a knife and metal pole are being hunted by police after attacking a passer-by in Haydons Road, Wimbledon on Sunday (April 17).

The victim received serious arm injuries in the unprovoked attack, which took place at 11pm, and has asked for the images of his injuries to be shared.

Police said the suspects are three young white men on mopeds. “This was a nasty, unprovoked, attack on the victim,” a spokesman added.

They have released CCTV images of the attack (see top right), and are continuing to mount a borough-wide campaign against moped-related crimes. They are using #mopedwatch as a social media hashtag.

If you witnessed anything, please call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or 101 quoting reference 1404466/17.

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April 19, 2017