Learn More About The Future Of Merton's Green Spaces

Service is set to be out-sourced

The future of Merton's green spaces will be discussed at the next Merton Park Ward Residents' Association meeting on Tuesday April 5.

Doug Napier, Head of Merton Council's Green Spaces Team, will talk about their work to maintain the borough's green spaces and plans for the future organisation of their maintenance.

It's being outsourced and the selection of the contractor is now down to just two bidders. They will submit their final tenders in early April and a preferred bidder decision is expected by July. The meeting expects to hear what this means for our local parks and spaces.

There should also be time to question local Councillors about several issues. These may include: Crossrail 2, Tramlink and/or parking.

The meeting starts at 8pm at Merton Park Primary School in Erridge Road.

Any thoughts on this? Why not comment on our forum?

April 1, 2016