Volunteer Taskforce Is Providing Coronavirus Support In Wimbledon

Where to get help and how to volunteer to offer local support

Isolated households and those at risk from COVID-19 in Merton are already being supported by a volunteer taskforce set up by Merton Voluntary Service Council (MVSC).


Anyone who puts themselves forward may be asked to support people who are currently unable to leave their home.

If you require help, email help@mvsc.co.uk or call 020 8685 2272 between the hours of 10am and 4pm, Monday - Friday.  


If you are able to volunteer, or know anyone that wants to volunteer, contact the volunteer taskforce at volunteer@mvsc.co.uk or go to https://www.mvsc.co.uk/news/coronavirus-support-merton.


Volunteers will be partnered with key groups who will allocate you to tasks which may include:

  • Shopping/basic provision parcel delivery
  • Prescription/medication collection
  • Dog walking
  • Electricity/gas pre- payment card top-up
  • A telephone call or keeping in touch
  • Posting letters.

Volunteers must take the following steps to make sure they do not contribute to the spread of coronavirus:

  • If you feel unwell, do not volunteer to help others who are self-isolating
  • Wash your hands regularly, especially before and after you deliver any items to a person in isolation
  • Stay 2 meters away from the person who is in isolation
  • Be careful about how you share personal information about yourself and other people
  • Try to support people who live close to you to avoid travelling long distances
  • Follow public health guidance on self-isolating yourself and your family.

The Coronavirus Support scheme is being supported by a range of local charities and support organisations, including Wimbledon Guild.

The Guild says it has been calling all its customers to check they are safe and to see what support they need.

CEO Wendy Pridmore said:
“As you may have heard this week over 1 million older and vulnerable people will be directly contacted by the Government and asked to stay indoors for 12 weeks.
We believe that approximately 3,000 of these people live in Merton.

"On Monday, a voluntary sector led helpline was launched providing practical and emotional support. We are delighted to be part of the taskforce alongside Merton Council and other local charities.

“We are all now on lockdown which can be very challenging, bringing increased levels of anxiety and with that a tremendous impact on our mental health.


“To help with this our staff and volunteers have been busy providing catch up calls with our customers and making deliveries of much needed items where possible. We are also providing counselling services and grief support by telephone to people who may need our support.


“The Coronavirus impact on our local community is changing rapidly and we are doing everything we can to ensure we can adapt our services to help the most vulnerable people in Merton.


“If you are in a position to make a financial donation to help us support people in our Merton community at this very difficult time, that would make a huge difference to our ability to offer direct help with their immediate costs.”


You can donate to Wimbledon Guild via this link: https://www.wimbledonguild.co.uk/support-us/donate.


Other nationwide and London-based helpline services include:

  • Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA): 020 7801 1777
  • Victim Support: 0808 168 9111
  • Legal advice relating to domestic abuse: 020 8543 3302
  • Refuge: 020 8943 8188
  • RASASC (if you have experienced any kind of sexual violence): 07437 330 784 by text or Whatsapp.

March 27, 2020