Raising Funds For Meningitis Research

Look out for students at Wimbledon station

Students from up to 17 different UK universities are taking to the streets of Wimbledon in the next two days raise funds for Meningitis Research Foundation.

They are descending on the capital, targeting tube and mainline stations for a period of two days with the aim trying to raise over £30,000 for Meningitis Research Foundation.

They will be outside Wimbledon station from 7am-7pm on Wednesday and Thursday (March 27 and 28).

MRF's 'London Loot' will bring together more than 120 Rag members from universities in Loughborough, Warwick, Manchester, Birmingham, Brighton, Surrey, Sheffield, Kent, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Imperial College London, London School of Economics, Cardiff, Queens Belfast, Southampton, Liverpool and Nottingham.

March 26, 2013