Meet Merton Police And Council Leaders

Chance to ask your questions

Merton's Police and Council leaders will be meeting the public at a special "Face The People" event on Monday November 15.

Merton Council’s chief executive Ged Curran and Merton Police borough commander Dick Wolfenden will be on hand outside the Civic Centre in Morden inviting residents to ask questions about community safety, crime and anti social behaviour.

The local Safer Neighbourhood team and popular character PCSO Steve will also be on hand with the reassurance bus during the event, which runs from 2pm-4pm.

Mr Curran (left) said: "Although Merton is one of the safest boroughs in London we still take the safety of our residents very seriously and hence events like Face the People are important. By working in partnership with the police we hope we can take questions and feedback from our residents into account as we work together on their behalf."

Chief superintendent Dick Wolfenden said: "Working closely with the council and other partners is crucial in helping us to offer the best service to Merton’s residents and I am looking forward to meeting members of the public to hear their views and questions."

Police from the Southfields Safer Neighbourhoods Team will also be making themselves available at Southfields tube station at 9am on Friday November 26.

November 7, 2010