Magician To Perform Death-Defying Illusion In Wimbledon

Chance to see Harry Houdini's water tank routine on stage

One of the most dangerous magical illusions ever seen on stage is to be performed live on stage in Wimbledon.

Jamie Allan will perform his death-defying version of Harry Houdini's lethal, but rarely seen, water tank routine at The New Wimbledon Theatre on April 15.

The stunt has been performed by only a handful of top illusionists since it was invented by the legendary Houdini in 1911. But Jamie has performed the show-stopping routine six times this year.

Jamie mesmerised millions in January by teaching comic Rufus Hound to saw a woman in half with an industrial laser beam in the ITV show 'Get Your Act Together'.

But his water tank routine sees Jamie bring an even sharper edge of danger to his act - iMagician: The Evolution of Magic.

The audience will see him shackled before being plunged into a glass water tank.

As the clock ticks, loudspeakers will amplify the sound of Jamie’s heart as he struggles to free himself before losing consciousness, adding one of many state-of-the art touches to Houdini’s masterpiece.

After some near misses in rehearsal, Jamie has now perfected the routine for the public.

Jamie, aged 38, who has a partner and baby son, said: "For this particular illusion, it has to be dangerous for it to be exciting. That is what Houdini intended and we have to stick by his principles. So I’m afraid there’s no health and safety rules for me in this act.

"At first, my partner was very apprehensive but she has learned to trust me to get it right and I'm certain I've covered all the angles.

"But we can't remove every element of danger completely which is why it's such a great favourite with audiences. But it’s also why it's rarely performed."

After mesmerising American audiences for 12 years with his fusion of magic and technology, Jamie is now touring the UK. His sleight of hand and feats of trickery and illusion are combined with state of the art technology.

iMagician explores the work of the legendary Harry Houdini. Then uses modern technology, including high powered laser beams, iPads, Twitter and Facebook, to make them more mind blowing.

New to this show is the 'Virtual Assistant', a routine which involves her passing in and out of a digital world. An assistant in a see through glass box is also sawn in half with a laser beam.

April 7, 2015

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Illusionist Jamie Allan