Are You Registered To Vote In The General Election?

Qualifying residents have until May 22 to register

British Citizens, along with citizens of qualifying Commonwealth countries, the Republic of Ireland and British Overseas territories are all eligible to vote on June 8.

Those people who know they are not registered can apply to join the register by visiting

Residents are reminded that if they have recently added their name to a Household Enquiry Form, but not made an individual application including their National Insurance number and date of birth (either on the website or by paper form), that they need to do this in order to be included on the electoral register.

To double check if you are registered, call (020) 8871 6023.

If you want to apply for a postal vote you must submit an application form by 5pm on May 23rd. If you wish to apply for a proxy vote, this must be done by 5pm on May 31st.

Poll cards will be delivered to all eligible registered voters in May. These will provide information and a map showing which local polling station they should use. Voters will also be able to check the location of their polling station on the council’s website nearer the time.

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on polling day. For more local information, go to: How to vote.

April 25, 2017