Bid To Restore Discretionary Freedom Passes Is Rebuffed

Merton Councillors fail to back proposal

A Lib-Dem proposal to restore funding for discretionary freedom passes to support people with mental health difficulties failed to get a seconder at a recent council meeting.

Councillor Mary-Jane Jeanes submitted the motion for the council meeting on Wednesday (September 10), but no other Councillor seconded it.

Her motion noted that the draft Adult Social Care budget for 2013/14 showed an under-spend of more than £1 million.

It stated: "Isolation and loneliness are detrimental to people's health; those with mental health issues, who no longer receive a discretionary Freedom Pass and cannot afford to attend support groups or meet friends or family, are at increased risk of isolation."

The passes were scrapped in 2012 to make a saving of £70,000.

As no other Councillor seconded it, her motion to restore the passes was not debated.

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September 12, 2014