Motorist Hunted After Driving At Speed Towards Wimbledon Cyclist

Audi driver boasts of stealing car in road rage incident caught on video

Warning: video features some bad language

A Wimbledon cyclist was almost hit by a motorist during a rush-hour road rage incident close to Clapham North station last week.

IT consultant Dave Clifton, aged 50, got involved in the incident close to traffic lights when the driver of a black Audi A3 stopped and started yelling.

After driving off he swerved into a bus lane, where he nearly hit Mr Clifton before stopping at another set of lights and throwing debris out of the car window at him.

"When the lights turned green, the driver turned his car towards the victim and drove at him at speed before changing direction," a police spokesman said.

Seconds later the Audi was driven onto a side street where a witness told the force he almost hit another cyclist.

The driver then mounted the pavement where a group of cyclists had gathered and he drove at them, telling them "it's a stolen car".

Picture: MrClifcam (Youtube)

He fled the scene at 8am on Wednesday August 1 by reversing down Dorset Road "at speed", after a police officer in an unmarked car arrived.

"It's worrying having drivers on the road like that," Mr Clifton is reported to have said.

"It's all just really bizarre. I don't know if he's just having a bad morning or what. He seems to be picking on everybody."

Police are hunting for the motorist and asks anyone who knows him to get in touch.

August 7, 2018