Colliers Wood Forum: October 9

Chance to talk about local issues

The Colliers Wood and North East Mitcham Community Forum is taking place on Tuesday (October 9).

It starts at 7.15pm at St Joseph's Church Hall, 30 Park Road, Colliers Wood.

On the agenda are plans for using the Mayor's Regeneration Fund in Colliers Wood, the Better Services Better Value review of hospital services and a chance to influence the borough's next Community Plan.

And plans to close A&E and maternity services at St Helier Hospital top the agenda for the next Morden Community Forum meeting. Parking and heritage issues are also due to be discussed and residents, businesses and community organisations in Morden are all invited to come and have their say.

Cllr Maurice Groves, Chairman of the Morden Forum, said: "Community forum meetings are a great way for you to tell the Council how you think our local neighbourhood can be improved. On this occasion, you can also tell the NHS what you think about their plans to close A&E and maternity units at St Helier Hospital.

"My Conservative colleagues and I have been campaigning against these proposals, so do come along if you share our views, or just want some more information. We will also be hearing updates on local heritage issues and the current review of parking in Morden town centre."

The meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th October at the Civic Centre in London Road, Morden, starting at 7.15pm.

October 8, 2012