Call For Sophie Hosking Cup In Merton

Councillors want further honour for local gold medallist

A call has been made for a new Primary School Sports Championship in Merton in honour of Olympic Gold medal winner Sophie Hosking.

Merton Conservative Councillors are hoping other political parties in the borough will back their plans at the next full Council meeting on Wednesday (September 12).

The new sporting event, which would be held annually for all 8-11 year olds, would be in one sport. Which one is still something of a mystery – Conservative Councillors believe this is something that should be decided by participating schools themselves. What is known is that if the idea gets the go-ahead on Wednesday, it will be named after Sophie Hosking and the winners will be presented with the Sophie Hosking Cup.

The idea already has Sophie Hosking's backing. She wrote to Conservative Councillors saying: "I think it is a fantastic idea and I am honoured that you are proposing to name the event after me."

She is pictured right sitting on the gold post box in Worple Road, Wimbledon, which was painted in her honour.

Councillor Suzanne Evans, shadow Health Spokesperson said: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build on the success of the London Olympics and Paralympics and celebrate the fantastic achievements of the borough’s very own Sophie Hosking, who is such a great role model for our children.

"I'm all for encouraging local children to get more active and it’s vital that we harness the huge enthusiasm for the Games to ensure a lasting sporting legacy for young people here in Merton. And who knows? Maybe the Sophie Hosking Challenge, or whatever we decide to call it, could produce some more Olympians in the future?"

September 9, 2012