Addison Oratorio and Chamber Choirs Join Forces

Joint spring concert is coming soon

Saturday March 25, 7.30pm

St Peter's Church, Acton Green, Southfield Rd, Chiswick W4 1BB, junction of St Alban’s Avenue.  Free street parking available, Bus E3

Dvorak: ‘Mass in D’

Howells: ‘Te Deum’

Skempton:  ‘He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven’

Joubert:  ‘O Lorde, the maker of al thing’

Patterson:  ‘When Music Sounds’

The Addison Oratorio & Chamber Choirs return to St Peter's, Acton Green, for their joint spring concert. The Chamber Choir focus on significant birthdays of three important British composers, and will sing one of John Joubert's first successful pieces (Joubert will be 90 this year), his brooding anthem setting a text by Henry VIII, 'O Lorde, the maker of al thing’, as well as celebrating the 70th birthdays of one of their regular collaborators Howard Skempton (his luminous setting of W B Yeats - 'He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven’) and appropriately enough 'When Music Sounds' by Paul Patterson, also 70 this year.

The Oratorio Choir also sing a work by a British composer but from an earlier generation - the Te Deum (Collegium Regale) by Herbert Howells, originally written for King's College, Cambridge and one of the most significant pieces of music for the church ever written. The final work in the concert is Dvorak's melodious and uplifting 'Mass in D', not perhaps one of this popular composers most familiar works, but nonetheless full of the memorable tunes and sunny disposition that make Dvorak such a much-loved composer in the world's concert halls. 

The combined choirs will be travelling to Salzburg Cathedral in May to repeat the Dvorak Mass, and pieces they performed last year by Judith Weir and James Macmillan.  

Tickets in advance £13, concessions £11, under 16's £3 (all + booking fee), via  or £15 / £13 / £3 on the door.

February 22, 2017