The Place For Action In Merton

Special event takes place in Morden

For a chance to discuss local crime and safety advice with community organisations, visit the Action In Merton (AIM) event on Thursday June 23.

The event takes place at Moreton Green on Mulchelny Road, Morden, from 10am–2pm.

Members of the Ravensbury Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team, the council's recycling and anti-social behaviour teams and other Safer Merton partners will all be attending. Dog owners can also have their dogs micro-chipped, with no charge.

Action in Merton (AIM) is an initiative to make Merton a safer, cleaner and healthier place for all. Each event is preceded with a 'walk about' with key partners including councillors, police and housing associations to identify potential issues which can be resolved on the day.

Councillor Edith Macauley, Merton Council cabinet member for community safety, cohesion and equalities, said: "Action in Merton is a great event for residents to get expert advice on issues which concern them, particularly environmental crime and anti social behaviour."

June 19, 2011