Mayoral and London Assembly Candidates for Your Area

Who's going to get your votes on May 3rd?

If you are registered to vote in Merton, on 3rd May you can visit your local polling station from 7am-10pm and cast your votes there. Please make sure that you arrive in plenty of time to avoid missing out on having your say. If you arrive and there’s a queue you might not be able to enter the polling station in time to vote.

  • Before polling day you will have been sent a ‘poll card’ which includes details of where your polling station is.
  • You can only vote at the polling station on this card.
  • Polling station staff will be able to help you understand your ballot papers if you get confused.
  • You do not need to take your poll card with you but it will help the staff. If you have lost your your poll card, use the London Elects polling station finder to check where to go.

London Mayoral Election

Candidate Party
Siobhan Benita Independent
Carlos Cortiglia British National Party
Boris Johnson Conservative
Jenny Jones Green
Ken Livingstone Labour
Brian Paddick Liberal Democrats
Lawrence Webb Fresh Choice for London (UKIP)

London Assembly Election

Candidate Party
Richard Tracey Conservative
Leonie Cooper Labour
Lisa Smart Liberal Democrats
Roy Vickery Green
Mazhar Manzoor Fresh Choice for London (UKIP)
Thamilini Kulendran Independent
Bill Martin Socialist Party of Great Britain


April 26, 2012