The election of five Conservators, as laid down in the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Act of 1871 as supplemented by the 1990 Election Bye-Laws, and administered by Electoral Reform Services (ERS), was completed at 5pm on 28th February 2018.
The Electoral Reform Services have verified this result which has also been endorsed by the Returning Officer.
The number of eligible voters was 66,179. The number of votes cast was 13,867, of which 365 were invalid, giving 13,502 valid votes.
The results, as reported by ERS, are shown below:
Peter Hirsch 7,136
Sarah-Jane Holden 7,011
Diane Neil Mills 6,545
David Hince 6,339
Shirley Gillbe 5,822
Timothy Bowen 5,472
Brian Rutherford 4,809
Jonathan Callaway 4,340
John Cameron 4,335
Andrew Bignold 3,756
The following individuals have therefore been duly elected as Conservators (Trustees) and will take up their positions on Wednesday 4th April 2018 for a three-year term of office:
Peter Hirsch
Sarah-Jane Holden
Diane Neil Mills
David Hince
Shirley Gillbe
Four of the new conservators are from Wimbledon with Shirley Gilbe from Putney.
Simon Lee, Chief Executive said: "The turnout at 21% is 4.6% higher than in the 2015 election, the increased turnout is welcomed and demonstrates that the Commons remain at the very heart of the local community. The opportunity in this election for electors to utilise electronic voting, which 46% did, has undoubtedly helped increase turnout and helped the finances of WPCC".
March 1, 2018