A Journey Through The Seasons With Charlie And Lola

Alex and four-year-old Alice review the latest Polka Theatre show

It's Autumn, the start of a new school year and Charlie and his sister Lola are getting ready for the new term. 

At first Lola finds the changes that the new season brings a challenge (misses her old teacher, not sure about her new one, and tries to stick the leaves back on the tree as it looses its leaves).

Lola: "Everything is different, not the same, it's going all wrong". Lola and her best friend Lotta decide that they are going to hibernate until Spring but come out once Charlie explains that if they do they will miss Christmas.

As the story progresses we see Lola gradually adapting to the changes that the year brings and enjoying them with Charlie there to help her along the way. 

In Winter, Lola is so excited when she wakes up to find its been snowing. She has lots of fun sledging with her friend Lotta and Charlie and his friend Marv.

In the Spring there are new discoveries to be made in the pond and garden. The children in the audience were fascinated by the tadpoles scene and the bubbles that fell from the 'sky'. 

In Summer, and Charlie persuades Lola to go to the park along with Marv and his dog Sizzles. There's a fun scene where Lola and Lotta take charge of Sizzles and loose him for a while! Sizzles becomes the star of the show.

The set changes are fast moving, and interactive with fun imaginative props/stage decoration from the start. Puppeteers were very skilled and kept up a speedy pace so plenty for children to watch and keep them interested throughout.

My daughter's favourite scene included Sizzles the dog, she was delighted to see his acrobatic skills!

Alice: "Whoa, he's hoola hooping!" It's a story about adapting to change and the challenges that it can bring, the joy of siblings and friendship. My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed this show and can highly recommed it.

Review by Alex and Alice (aged 4). 

Charlie and Lola's Extremely New Play runs at Wimbledon's Polka Theatre until August 17. It's aimed at children aged 4 – 7.

May 16, 2013

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Charlie and Lola in Wimbledon

Polka Theatre